Be a successful performer
Your stage career starts here!
A guide to the professional presentation and creation of a promotional package for circus artists, dancers, singers, musicians, and professional athletes
Professional artists are well organised!
In an industry where getting a job is difficult at the best of times, and where casting decisions can be made in the blink of an eye, performers need to present themselves in the best possible light from the get-go. Give yourself an edge over the competition and increase your chances for landing any job in the stage show business! Want to find good work? You're on the right track!
We encourage our artists: dancers, circus performers, singers, musicians, and professional athletes to be organised as best as they can, just as they are on stage.
We pay close attention to the quality and presentation of promo materials provided.
While being flexible with our options, we try hard to present our performers with the best tools to succeed and let their talent shine! Our specialists give preference to performers who have good promotional material and who show early on that they are organized.
This guide has been developed in collaboration with numerous representatives of our long time clients and meets international standards and requirements for entertainment employers world wide.
The artist's task is to prepare working materials according to the recommendations provided on this page.
One of our core values, is to work with clients who value and respect artistic talent and compensate artists for their work in accordance with their talent.
Like us, the casting specialists of our partner companies, are former performing artists themselves with long careers in show business - They also value quality and professionalism in others as a part of their work.
Artists often do not understand the importance of the registration process and, as a result, they miss out on details or do not give importance to certain factors that influence the successful passage of the selection round.
The task of our team is to unleash the full potential of our artists!
We focus all our energies on finding high paying jobs for registered artists.
The reasons why you may not be able to go through the registration process in the artist database.
Often, an artist cannot go through the registration process due to inattention, ignorance or misunderstanding of the process.
Our professional artist registration forms contain mandatory fields that must be filled in by all applying performing artist.
The artist does not have language, technology skills, or works from a phone.
For successful registration, we recommend that all artists master the work on a PC and have knowledge of modern Internet services.
The artist doesn't check promotional materials for errors or does not provide an open link to access the promotional package when registering using the form.
The artist provides low-quality, outdated promotional materials or often not enough video materials that do not reveal the full potential of the artist and incorrectly inform the casting team about a potential candidate.
Before you start, make sure you have prepared:
Enough evidence of your professional activities.
All mentioned by you acts, dance disciplines, vocal and musical skills must be supported by comprehensive act video presentations.
It's not enough to tell us that you are an amazing performer, you also must show us that you are the one for the job!
Don't take chances, find a golden middle! Present only excellent videos in every discipline or dance you are skilled and want to be known for!
We know it's tempting to show us a lot! Performers must understand that presenting to much video materials often is damaging, confusing and as a result - not taken into consideration by the casting team! More often, artists presenting not enough evidence, providing far less than specifying in their talent application form, in such cases your audition will be delayed until sufficient evidence provided.
Your data is provided in English only!
All files (photos and videos) must be named in accordance with the names of numbers, disciplines.
We do not accept short showreels!
Large files, low-quality, duplicate materials are not accepted for consideration!
Quality Video Materials:
Latest and complete videos, shot in a well-lit environment, with minimal video editing!
No distortion, watermarks or contact information in the video
The file should be labeled with the name of your number, dance, style, etc. (for example; Straps-Duo, Contortion, Dance style, etc.)
Photos Should Include:
Portrait photo
Act photos
Fitness photo - Full body photo (all artists must provide a photo with a poster indicating the date of the photo session)
Please note! We don't need to see all your photos ever taken! Only relevant materials related to the casting process!
Professional Resume:
Completed in English
Include your complete biometrical data (height, weight...)
A complete list of your acts, professional skills
A brief history of education and employment
Contract dates and employer data
We only look at your talent!
Don't let your videographers work off their ambitions on your account. Focus camera only on your talent!
Many artists, especially dancers, invest in creating 'cool' promo videos, with cinematic quality, incredible effects and 'heavy' post production editing - such promo videos do not qualify for the casting competition.
Provide only a 'clean promo' starring you and your talent!
The only moving subject in the frame should be the performing artist. Remember that your promos should give an idea of your talent, not an advertisement for the show you participated in while filming your promo video! Your promo should only advertise for you and present you in a wide frame!
Submit your promo materials using file sharing
Great tool when submitting your promos with one of our artist registration forms
Keep your promos current, structured, and always available!
Use Google Drive file sharing functions to submit your professional promotional materials package. Great free solution already available to Gmail users and is great for anyone who's looking into all in one platform for their professional needs.
For Android, iOS, Mac or Windows users, Dropbox is a free to use file sharing system, allowing artists across the world effortlessly share their promotional materials with clients and entertainment companies.
Step 1 - Prepare your promo materials
Prepare your promo material, by arranging it in a folder named with your registration email within the Google Drive or Dropbox folder
Within Google Drive or Dropbox, create a new folder labelled with your email address.
Name your promo folder after your email (for example:
Place Videos, Photos, and Resume within the main folder as shown on the picture
If applicable, create subfolders within the Video and Photo folders, and name your files after disciplines you perform.
Create subfolders within the Video and Photo folders.
Label your files
Clearly label your resume, video and photo files.
Present extra skills
Provide your extra skills or additional acts you are able to perform!
Create and submit sharable link to your promo package
As shown in the photo, right click on the promo folder you've created
Copy the shareable link by locating Copy Google Drive or Dropbox Link
Submit created link in the relevant field for promo materials during through the performer registration forms, or send your promo link in the email to and include it in your registration form
Step 2 - Copy shareable link
Use our preferred promo upload method!
While our casting team is busy sorting out hundreds of emails arriving daily from artists, we want to make sure that by the time we are ready to review your email, your contact information, and promos will be in our entertainment database!
KEEP IN MIND! Artists who registered through the Artist Registration forms and uploaded their promos directly to our database will be given first priority, and included automatically into all current casting calls.
Upload your act promos directly to the Circus Guide Entertainment Agency database!
Advantages of this method!
Priority processing (your promos get straight to the top of the line)
Familiar interface and available in your language
Virus free! Safely upload files directly from your own device or Google Drive
Up to 10 act photos + 10 fitness photos
Up to 10 act video files + 5 videos for your other skills
Up to 2 CV's (for you and your partner)
Prepared? Let's sign up!
Fill out a simple application form today to become part of our artist database, part of our company and receive the latest casting announcements, apply for jobs and receive invitations to upcoming screenings!
We kindly ask you to register only once and in accordance with the form, the category that suits you and your type of stage activity.
Upon completion of registration, you will receive a confirmation letter.
Remember that repeated registration in the questionnaire or registration in more than one form does not increase your chance of success, your duplicate will be deleted by our specialists!